An update after over 5 years!

It's been over 5 years since the last version was released!

All thru this years, I've been playing on and off, considering that the game, while flawed in some aspects, has something interesting: the controls, it's biggest weakness, are at the same time what makes it different and challenging.

There were some developments on this game after the original JS13K entry; end of 2018 I commissioned Ryan Malm, fellow js13k comrade, to extend the music of the game and to create a new track for the title screen, inspired by Tyrian. I did this because I had some plans to take the game into Facebook Instant Games; I invested some development time, alongside then-Slashware developer Kram, to create a mobile version with improved controls to appease a less-hardcore market.

The FBIG version, or even a mobile version, are unlikely to see the light of the day, so I decided it didn't make sense to keep the music tracks hidden from the public any longer; this version also packs some small but important usability improvements:

  • Add Settings menu and allow changing the volume of music and sound effects
  • Use arrow keys instead of numpad for player 2
  • Display ships energy
  • Replace Arial with Kanit from Google Web Fonts

Have fun and team up with a friend! can you go past Round 5, and/or score over 1500 points?

Files Play in browser
Jan 15, 2024

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